靜思語【第十一 週】~~ ~~~ 口說好話 , 心想好意 ,身行好事 , 腳走好路 ~~~ ~~~ Speak kind words, think good thoughts, do good deeds, and walk the right path. ~~~
靜思語【第十 週】~~ ~~~ 對人要寬心, 講話要細心 ~~~ ~~~ Be forgiving towards others, be discreet in your speech . ~~~
靜思語【第九 週】~~ ~~~ 感恩他人, 就是美化自己 ~~~ ~~~ In showing gratitude, we become, a beautiful person . ~~~
靜思語【第八 週】~~ ~~~ 原諒別人, 就是善待自己 ~~~ ~~~ To forgive other's is in fact being kind ourselves . ~~~
靜思語【第七 週】~~ ~~~ 「戒」是不起心動念;「定」是臨危不亂;「慧」能運心轉境 ~~~ ~~~ (Buddhism speaks of , developing discipline, , meditative concentration, , and wisdom.), Discipline is to, not give rise to , unwholesome thoughts., Meditative concentration is to , be calm under adversity., Wisdom isto , take control of our mind , and change our destiny. ~~~
靜思語【第六週】~~ ~~~ 發心容易, 恆心難持, 光說不練, 無法體悟真理, 實踐道法 ~~~ ~~~To begin is easy, to persist, difficult., Talking about truth, without practicing it, leads neither to enlightenment, nor realizing the Dharma. ~~~
靜思語【第五週】~~ ~~~ 心如鏡, 雖外在景物不斷轉變, 鏡面卻不會轉動, 此即境轉而心不轉。~~~ ~~~ Let our mind be like a mirror while the images reflected are constantly changing, the mirror itself remains unchanged. ~~~
靜思語【第四週】~~ ~~~ 好事要提得起, 是非要放得下, 成就別人即是成就自己。~~~ ~~~ Take up good deeds and, let go of hard feelings, In helping others to, fulfill their goad, we too gain. ~~~
靜思語【第三週】~~ ~~~ 口說好話, 心想好意, 身行好事, 腳走好路。~~~ ~~~ Speak kind words, Think good thoughts, Do good deeds, and Walk the right path. ~~~
靜思語【第二週】~~ ~~~ 轉一個角度來看世界, 世界無限寬大: 換一種立場待人處事, 人事無不輕安。~~~ ~~~ When you view the world, from a different perspective, the world becomes, vast and wide. Try shifting your perspective, in everything you do, and all will be, light and easy. ~~~
靜思語【第一週】~~ ~~~ 認真學習要用到: 赤子的真誠, 駱駝的耐力, 獅子的勇猛。~~~ ~~~ When doing any task, have the innocence of a child, the endurance of a camel, and the courage of a lion. ~~~